This season Clare makes her debuts at the BBC Proms, Salle Bourgie in Montréal, and Konzerthaus Berlin, as well as returning to the Wigmore Hall.

Over the summer, Clare performs at the National Gallery, the Hay, Husum, Cheltenham, Gower and Southwell Festivals, and records Britten with the BBC Symphony Orchestra (George Vass) for BIS. Read more here.

Clare recently founded the Gloucestershire Piano Trust to support her work in schools and prisons. Read Cotswold Life's feature on the charity here.

Clare's disc of études by Montgeroult has been praised for its "thoughtful beauty" (The Times) and "fascinating magnetism" (BBC Music Magazine). Listen back on Radio 3's Composer of the Week.

Listen to Chaminade at the Barbican and Clare's latest recital at the Wigmore Hall.